Korean Composser "Yiruma"
It has been a while since I last listen to Yiruma's song. He is a great composer and his medley are also so soothing and beautiful. I don't mind to admit that I feel in love with his song the very first time I listen to it. His Album "First Love" and the song I love the most in this album is "River Flows in You".
I dont know how many people actually know Yiruma but for those who love to watch Korean Drama they might heard before his medley for example the soundtrack if "Winter Sonata". Anyway this is one of his clips that I manage to find and its my favourite song.
I always wanted to play piano when I was a kid. I don't know maybe you guys might think its not a macho thing for a guy to play piano or its a girl thingy or toys. To me piano is a very beautiful piece of instrument and you can express your feelings through the song you play. Anyway I just intend to share this beautiful medley with anyone who are into piano.